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Feel Like Yourself While Healing

A diagnosis of cancer is probably one of the most traumatic, frightening experiences that one can face in a lifetime. So many thoughts, questions, and fears are running through your mind, such that it’s hard to focus on which issue to consider first. The fact is, if your doctor prescribes a chemotherapy regimen, the odds are that you will probably lose some, or all, of your hair. Like most people, this can be one of the most upsetting of all the issues that you’ll face. The kind of hair loss that you’ve seen on some cancer patients seems to declare to the world “I am sick,” and this is not the way that you want to face this new and challenging phase of your life. Strength, faith, courage…these are the weapons that will carry you through until your health and hair have returned. So take a breath and begin to plan in advance how you will deal with the loss of your hair during your chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy wigs can be a great solution.

Woman with Cancer about to put on a wig

Points to Remember While Choosing

There are several choices and price points to consider when choosing from chemotherapy wigs. The very highest quality (and costliest) of wigs begins with a completely handmade (monofilament) top. The monofilament top is then carefully woven into the wig base. Hair is then individually tied into the mesh so that when finished the wig fits perfectly and has a lovely, natural look that moves and feels completely natural. Needless to say, this is the most expensive, but certainly the most natural, comfortable choice.

Wefted Monofilament Wig

Don’t despair if cost is an issue, for there is an excellent alternative available in a wefted monofilament wig. This choice is actually today’s most popular style, and modern methods of construction make this wefted wig natural, comfortable, and beautiful. A monofilament top provides an excellent, invisible appearance. Hair is machine sewn into the wefts, and small gaps in the cap allow air to circulate through the mesh, keeping you cool and comfortable. If you are looking for a natural appearance, it’s best to avoid wigs that are completely machine tied into a mesh base. These wigs look very unnatural, tend to become frizzy quickly, are very difficult to maintain and are (honestly) intended for costume or stage wear.

More Choices

You can also select non-monofilament cap, with hand-tied hair woven into the cap material. While this choice is not invisible, and certainly not as sophisticated as wigs with monofilament tops, the hand-tying does provide the natural movement and texture of real hair. One additional choice is the lace-front wig, made with hair that is hand tied into a netted or lace base which is glued directly on to the scalp.

If you are facing a chemotherapy regimen, and possibly the loss of your hair, don’t despair. Remember that this is a temporary condition. With a bit of research, planning, and time, you can find something stylish from our great selection of chemotherapy wigs that will give you a natural appearance, so that you can concentrate on overcoming your illness and regaining your health and your hair. For more information about our inventory of chemotherapy wigs, call us today!

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